Benefits Of Using Silk Fabrics!

Benefits Of Using Silk Fabrics!

1. Improves hair health and shine.

“Silky smooth” isn’t just an expression. Beauty experts claim that the luxurious fabric can help keep your hair soft, moisturized, and free of pesky tangles. Silk may also help preserve your style while you sleep, he adds. Decades ago, women slept on satin pillowcases or wrapped their heads in toilet paper to preserve their teased and tortured hairstyles.

2. Promotes youthful and healthy skin.

The tightly-woven, smooth fibers of silk help keep moisture close to the skin. When you wake up after sleeping on a silk pillowcase, your face will be better hydrated than if you slept on cotton. This is a great beauty tip for those with dry, flaky skin. Hydrated, plump skin cells show fewer fine lines (wrinkles!) and more luminosity than dehydrated skin cells.

3. Reduces skin redness and irritation.

A European silk fabric called DermaSilk one type of silk that has antimicrobial properties. Dermasilk differs from regular silk in that it's free of sericin, a protein produced by the silkworm. Sericin and other protein or bacteria can aggravate eczema and other skin conditions, so antimicrobial agents help skin stay clear and free of irritation.

4. Prevents allergies.

Silk is free of any potentially irritating added chemicals and contains natural substances that ward off various environmental allergens (and resulting skin conditions), including dust mites, mold, and fungus

5. Promotes good night's sleep.

Sheets that irritate your skin, bunch up, or invite dust mites in will interfere with a good night’s rest. Silk, with all its aforementioned benefits, is the fabric that will dress your bed for the sweetest possible slumber.


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